
TVS at R&I European Networking event: Navigating through the DPP Revolution

04 Mar 2024 7 min read

Technovative Solutions LTD (TVS) recently participated in the "Successful R & I in Europe 2024: 11th European Networking Event" at Düsseldorf, Germany, held on February 14-15. Salauddin Sohag (Head of Product-TVS) took the stage on day one of the event in 'Cluster 4: Digital Technologies' to present an insightful session on "Digital Product Passport (DPP)" where he discussed TVS's groundbreaking R&D efforts on DPP and its contribution to the Horizon Europe Projects JIDEPRESTOREALABAMA, and BASE.

In this interview with Salauddin Sohag, we unravel the acumen shared during his session and formulate the implications of TVS's endeavors in the realm of research and innovation.

Join us as we explore the intersection of technology, collaboration, and innovation that defines TVS's journey towards shaping the future of digital transformation.

TVS: What were the main discussion points of the event that should be highlighted?

Salauddin Sohag: The R&I European Networking event aims to bring together a diverse array of industry experts and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to explore potential collaborations. A significant portion of the event was dedicated to networking and discussions surrounding both current and future funding opportunities.

From the perspective of TVS, I would mention, our primary objective was to advocate for and increase awareness of the Digital Product Passport (DPP) initiative, as well as our contributions in this domain. The event featured presentations from EU policymakers, the European Innovation Council, and other noteworthy projects spanning Digital Technologies, Industrial Technologies, Health, Energy, Mobility, and more, which sparked meaningful discussions. This gathering emphasized the crucial role of cross-sector collaboration in nurturing innovation and advancing our endeavors in digital transformation.

TVS: What was the contribution of TVS to the event?

Salauddin Sohag: TVS proudly contributed to the event by securing one of the opening slots to present on the topic of Digital Product Passport (DPP). Our presentation outlined the environmental and social challenges stemming from linear consumption models and the European Union's regulatory responses. We introduced DPP, detailing its benefits, implementation timeline, and its impact on various stakeholders. We highlighted how businesses can prepare for these changes and the support TVS can provide, including our work on Battery and Material Passports, and our proactive preparations for categories like textiles, consumer electronics, and furniture expected to be regulated by 2030.

Photo: "On the first day, TVS had a booth where I engaged with numerous interested parties."

On the first day, TVS had a booth where I engaged with numerous interested parties. It was evident that the concept of DPP was still a novelty to many, leading to a significant interest that at times, resulted in queues of people waiting to discuss potential collaborations. This interaction underscored the market's need for guidance and the opportunities for TVS in leading these transformative efforts. The enthusiasm continued into the second day, with companies from Israel, Austria, Turkey, and Germany seeking us out for discussions, demonstrating the global relevance and potential of our work at TVS.

TVS: How do you perceive the role of collaborative events like the European Networking Event in fostering innovation and knowledge exchange in the field of digital technologies?

Salauddin Sohag: TVS, with its commitment to innovation, is well-positioned to drive forward-thinking solutions in spaces like these. We aim not only to adapt to the changing landscape but to lead by example, demonstrating how technology can be harnessed for more efficient and sustainable outcomes.

Photo: Keynote speech

Collaborative events such as the European Networking Event play a crucial role in fostering innovation and facilitating knowledge exchange in the rapidly evolving digital technology sector. These gatherings offer invaluable opportunities for organizations to showcase advancements, while also scouting for potential partnerships, cutting-edge technologies, and innovative ideas that could shape the future. The rapid rate of innovation in digital technology entails industry participants to consistently expand their horizons beyond their immediate networks. Thus engaging in such events ensures that we aren't confined within a limited ecosystem rather are exposed to a plethora of diverse perspectives and methodologies within the same industry. Furthermore, by engaging with a broad spectrum of industry experts, startups, and technology pioneers, we not only share our own insights but also absorb new ideas, fostering an environment where innovation thrives through shared knowledge and collaborative efforts.

TVS: Can you provide a brief overview of what the Digital Product Passport (DPP) entails and its significance in the current digital landscape?

Salauddin Sohag: Digital Product Passports (DPP) are innovative tools designed to aggregate and disseminate comprehensive product data across its entire lifecycle, showcasing a product's sustainability, environmental impact, and recyclability features. DPP aims to enhance product sustainability by offering detailed insights across various categories such as general information, labels & certifications, carbon footprint, supply chain due diligence, materials & composition, as well as circularity & resource efficiency, among others.

Taking the example of DPP implementation for batteries within the electric vehicle (EV) industry, we can anticipate comprehensive data collection spanning the entire supply chain—from miners and refiners to EV producers and recyclers. This data, accessible via a QR code on the battery, promises to revolutionize transparency by ensuring that only pertinent information is shared with specific users, thereby addressing privacy and data relevance concerns effectively.

The introduction of DPP marks a significant stride towards resolving the longstanding challenges of transparency and traceability in production industries. By facilitating informed decision-making across the value chain, DPP emerges as a critical tool in advancing the principles of the Circular Economy and sustainability. It does so by enabling efficient management of waste flows and optimizing end-of-life treatment processes, thereby underscoring its pivotal role in the current digital landscape's push towards environmental stewardship and economic resilience.

TVS: In your opinion, what are the emerging trends or future directions in the realm of digital product management and documentation, particularly concerning Digital Product Passport (DPP)?

Salauddin Sohag: DPP initiative is to unlock significant opportunities for existing businesses and pave the way for new entrants by fostering innovative business models centred around sustainability. One of the most notable trends facilitated by DPP is the enhancement of collaboration and transparency within industries, such as the automotive sector. Driven by EU regulations, DPP is enabling unprecedented collaboration across the supply chain, from miners to recyclers. This collaboration is crucial for facilitating easier recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing processes, thereby enhancing consumer engagement through readily accessible product data.

An initiative like Catena-X exemplifies the move towards secure and standardized data exchange, addressing long-standing challenges in data security and privacy. Furthermore, the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into DPP platforms is set to revolutionize the way businesses approach sustainability. By analysing comprehensive lifecycle data, these technologies can uncover insights into environmental impacts, optimize material use, and drive sustainability improvements across product lines.

Looking forward, the potential for DPP to serve as a catalyst for innovation extends beyond compliance. It is shaping up to be a key enabler of the circular economy, pushing industries towards more sustainable development models. As technological advancements continue to evolve, we can expect DPP to become an integral part of digital product management, setting new standards for environmental responsibility and resource efficiency across multiple sectors.

TVS: How do you see TVS contributing to the advancement and widespread adoption of Digital Product Passport (DPP) in the future?

Salauddin Sohag: TVS is strategically positioned as a pivotal player in the development and adoption of the Digital Product Passport (DPP), particularly within the realm of the Battery Passport. As the exclusive technology provider for the Battery Passport for Resilient Supply Chain and Implementation of Circular Economy (BASE) project, TVS is spearheading efforts that have secured nearly €8 million in funding from the European Union. This emphasizes not just the importance of the project, but also accentuates the innovative capabilities of our technology in fostering sustainability and enhancing efficiency.

Fig: A glimpse of TVS's R&D efforts on DPP and its contribution to the Horizon Europe Projects

Our strategic partnerships with leading entities in the automotive and battery sectors, such as Ford, Mercedes-Benz, and the FIAT Group, amplify our influence and operational capabilities. These exclusive negotiations place us at the industry's forefront, enabling us to shape the future of DPP implementation. Moreover, our collaborative network, which includes Beeplanet, Aspilsan Energy, Navtek, and the European Lithium Institute, enhances our industry connections and knowledge base. Our anticipated formal association with the Global Battery Alliance and the Battery Pass consortium will further integrate us with key players like the BMW Group, VW Group, and LG. This expansion is crucial for broadening our impact and facilitating the global adoption of DPP.

TVS is committed to ensuring that our DPP solution is adaptable and ready for implementation across various company operating models and legacy IT infrastructures before the designated deadline. This solution-oriented approach is designed to address the diverse needs of our partners and clients, ensuring seamless integration and adoption of DPP technologies in their operations.

About the conference:

For the eleventh time, the conference invited researchers from all over the world to find new research and innovation (R&D) partners for Horizon Europe projects. During the events since 2009, many productive and lasting contacts have been established between researchers and entrepreneurs from NRW and other parts of Europe at this R&I Networking event.

This year, about 300 participants from more than 20 countries attended the event, and about 100 presenters demonstrated their projects. Participants were invited to give a short presentation of ideas and/or results with a focus on Horizon Europe calls, where a budget of approx. € 95.5 billion is available up until 2027. The conference invites researchers and entrepreneurs from North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and other European regions to find new research and innovation (R&I) partners for Horizon Europe projects. The event addresses universities, research institutes, and companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, to become involved in established and new technology networks between researchers, entrepreneurs and multipliers related to Horizon Europe.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)CircularityData SharingDigital Product PassportInnovationR&DSmart BatterySustainability

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