
JIDEP 4th Review Meeting held in Türkiye

24 Jun 2024 4 min read

On the 7th of May, 2024 JIDEP consortium gathered in the historic and dynamic city of Istanbul for its 4th face-to-face review meeting, followed by a workshop the next day. Hosted by Zorlu Energy in Istanbul, Türkiye, the meeting provided an invaluable opportunity for all partners to come together, share insights, and discuss progress.

Dr Fahim Chowdhury (Chief Executive Officer); Farhadur Arifin (Research Lead); Miah Raihan Mahmud Arman (Chief Technology Officer); Salauddin Sohag (Head of Product);) and Tanvir Islam (Technical Lead) represented Technovative Solutions in the meeting.

In response to the JIDEP’s alignment and contribution towards a sustainable future, our Research Lead, 

Farhadur Arifin explained, “JIDEP is a digital space integrated with digital tools such as circularity calculator, LCA calculator and marketplace, where industrial data is available for sharing and connecting manufacturers from different sectors into a collaborative, mutually beneficial knowledge and data-sharing relationship. It builds upon the principles of Industry 4.0 by adopting interoperability among diverse actors, aiming to make both direct and indirect contributions to the EU climate neutrality goals of 2050.” He added, “JIDEP is a landing place for any organisation that has a data challenge to be addressed in its journey towards delivering a more sustainable material, product, service or solution. The JIDEP tools will help organizations to unlock the value of data, leading to the development of more sustainable solutions, technologies, and materials.

We have also asked the CTO, Miah Raihan Mahmud Arman about the meeting updates and takeaways, along with future plans of the project.

What were the agenda and discussion points of the meeting?

The meeting agenda covered a wide range of topics. The highlight of the day was a demonstration of the JIDEP Platform and an introduction to the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) tool, which is a critical component of the project. The session was demonstrated by the TVS members.

Key discussion points in the meeting included a detailed review of various work packages (WPs), such as Management, which covered the review report and list of deliverables, and Risk Assessment and registry updates. Sessions for WP1 through WP7 addressed open issues, KPI updates, data plan revisions, security measures, technical advancements, stakeholder engagement, exploitation status, and communication strategies. A session focused explicitly on technical advancements and challenges, followed by a Q&A session and a closing remark.

What is the contribution of Technovative Solutions Limited (TVS) to the project?

TVS as a consortium partner and the lead for WP4 titled "Tool Development and Platform Integration", played a crucial role in implementing, developing, and demonstrating the JIDEP Platform within the JIDEP project. Our responsibilities included overseeing the development and implementation of innovative tools such as Collaborative Space, Material Passport, Circularity Calculator and LCA tool, ensuring compliance with security measures, and driving technical progress. 

During the meeting, TVS led the demonstration of the JIDEP Platform and the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool, which are both critical project components. By managing WP4, TVS was instrumental in advancing the project’s technical capabilities, addressing open issues, setting key performance indicators (KPIs), and ensuring the successful demonstration of the project's technological advancements. These contributions were pivotal in tackling the technical challenges and delivering solutions that aligned with the project's overall goals and objectives.

Could you please provide a summary of the workshop's content and objectives?

The workshop focused on enhancing resilience and developing sustainable business models, incorporating innovative methodologies like brainwriting, card techniques, and brain thinking. The workshop facilitated deep engagement and strategy development for enhancing resilience capabilities. Key takeaways included enhanced understanding and strategies for project updates, upcoming challenges, future phases, and the importance of resilience in business models. The workshop underscored the critical role of cognitive and dynamic capabilities in fostering business resilience in the context of the JIDEP project.

What were the participants’ and audiences’ responses to TVS’s presentation?

After the TVS presentation and platform demonstration, the Q&A session was lively and insightful, particularly during the demonstration of the LCA tool. The audience showed great interest in using the LCA tool in their organisation and provided feedback on improving it and adding new features.

When is the next meeting due and what would be the meeting agenda and deliverables for TVS in the upcoming meeting?

With the conclusion of this meeting, JIDEP has successfully completed its second year of progress. We eagerly anticipate the final year, which will feature further technical advancements and a conclusive platform demonstration by TVS. The next meeting is scheduled for November 2024, with an agenda expected to cover updates on project deliverables, technical advancements, risk management, and the implementation of strategies discussed in the recent session.

This project has received funding from Horizon Europe Research and Innovation under grant agreement number 101058732.

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