
Engaging multi-stakeholders in the co-creation and co-design of disaster management solutions: the Public-Private-Civil Partnership (PPCP) approach in C2IMPRESS

Nowadays, local authorities are faced with significant challenges as economic, social and environmental issues abound. The latter have taken an increasingly prominent place in recent years, as climate experts warn about the urgency of climate change, particularly in areas such as the Mediterranean basin. 

These environmental challenges are accompanied by changes in territorial governance, particularly through the development of citizen participation which leads local authorities to rethink their approach to governance. Since the 1990’s in Europe, new modes of governance have been developed, based on the network theory and involvement of citizens and stakeholders as co-creators and co-producers of public policies.

It is in this context that public-private-civic partnerships are being developed. They consist of collaborative approaches between public (local authority, university, etc.), private (SMEs and others) and civil society actors, and use new collaboration methodologies based on the notion of collective intelligence, such as Design Thinking and Living Labs. These collaborative approaches can support citizen participation in the definition of territorial policies.

However, these multi-party collaborative approaches are sometimes difficult to implement, particularly due to the heterogeneity of the actors and their modes of operation, as well as the difficulty for public authorities to experiment with innovative processes or working methods in the within their ecosystem.

The objective of this webinar is to present the Public-Private-Civil Partnership developed by Artelia in the context of the C2IMPRESS project, as well as its conditions of implementation in the different CSAs of the project (Greece, Spain, Portugal and Turkey).

The webinar, which will last approximately 50 minutes, will be organized as follows:

  • - After a short presentation of the C2IMPRESS project and the speakers by Cenk Gureken (C2IMPRESS project coordinator), the floor will be given to Artelia, the partner in charge of developing the PPCP approach. They will present the PPCP approach and how it is relevant to the topic of natural disaster management. Artelia will then discuss on how this PPCP approach can be applied to the co-creation and co-design of a new polycentric governance framework for disaster management. 
  • - The floor will then be given to the Case Study Area (CSA) of Portugal, which will present how they set up their first two PPCP-Living Labs workshops. This case study will provide an opportunity to discuss the difficulties that CSAs may encounter in implementing this approach. 
  • - The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session moderated by Catherine Freissinet, C2IMPRESS project manager at Artelia

This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) Research and Innovation Actions under grant agreement No 101074004.

Speakers Details:

Cenk Gureken (Moderator)

EU Projects Team Leader, SAMPAS

Cenk Gureken is currently working as European Projects Team Leader at SAMPAS Holding, which is the biggest and most awarded smart city solutions provider company in Turkey. He is responsible for the coordination of the C2IMPRESS project. In addition, managing SAMPAS’s tasks within the ongoing 5 different EU-Funded Smart City Projects (Horizon Europe/H2020), developing new project proposals and actively involved in the networking and establishing of new consortiums. His working areas are smart city solutions, urban automation systems, sustainable urbanization, ICT platforms and digital twins.

In 2016, Cenk graduated from Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning with first place. He studied architecture and urban planning with the Erasmus + exchange program in Politechnika Gdańska in Poland. He started his career as Geographical Analyst at Nokia HERE Maps and continued working as GIS and 3D Modelling Specialist at Geotech Geographical Information Systems company.

Juliette Rimlinger

International Social Studies Specialist, Artelia

Juliette is a socio-anthropologist (Paris University graduate) and has been working for Artelia Group for the past four years. As a member of the Environment & Social International team, she is in charge of assessing social challenges related to various infrastructure projects (energy, transport, sustainable development) abroad (mainly Africa, South-East Asia).Stakeholder engagement, inclusion and participative approach are at the heart of Juliette's work, and she mobilizes and implements numerous participative engagement tools during her field missions.

As part of C2IMPRESS, Juliette is in charge of developing the innovative PPCP (Public Private Civil Partnership) approach. The aim of this method is to enable the inclusion of several types of stakeholders in the same territory, for the co-construction and co-creation of solutions for better management of natural disasters. 

For this webinar, Juliette will present the PPCP design methodology, its principles and how it is implemented on the various C2IMPRESS CSAs.

Ana Catarina Zozimo

Postdoctoral Researcher, LNEC

Catarina Zózimo is an Environmental Engineer (NOVA School of Science and Technology) and has a PhD in Engineering Sciences (University of Lisbon). She has been working as a post-doctoral researcher at the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering in Portugal for the last 4 years, mainly in risk assessment and early warning systems in coastal and port areas. Between 2010 and 2018 she worked in the private sector in delivering the base studies for the development of detailed design projects (wave conditions, design waves, wind, tides, etc.). The projects covered a wide spatial distribution, including Portugal (mainland and archipelagos), Cape Vert, Angola, Morocco, and Malawi). Due to her background in environmental engineering, she was also involved in developing the Water Framework Directive management plans of several hydrographical regions in Portugal on the coastal and transitional water components. During her PhD, she gained wide knowledge and experience on the processes acting in coastal areas, focusing on maritime hydraulics and Geographical Information Systems.

Catherine Freissinet

Hydrologist, climate change adaptation expert, Artelia

Catherine FREISSINET is head of R&D and Innovation in the Environment department within Artelia. She oversees and coordinates activities relating to research & Innovation programmes in France, in Europe and internationally. On account of her experience in supervising and assessing R&D projects and programmes, she is regularly appointed by the European Commission to provide expert evaluations and advice on various matters. She is also International Project Manager focusing on issues concerning the integrated management of river basins and natural resources, including the impact of climate change and adaptation strategies, NBS solutions and statutory and institutional studies.

As part of C2IMPRESS, Catherine is coordinating the ARTELIA team.

Alexandra Jaumouillé

International social studies Specialist, ARTELIA

Alexandra is a socio-anthropologist (Paris University graduate) and has been working for Artelia Group for the past five years. She has also experience in applied research for the French National Research Institute for Development (IRD) in Mexico, international cooperation, consultancy in environmental and social studies. As a member of the Environment & Social International team, she has experience in conducting environmental and social studies (mainly in Africa and in Asia) on the identification and management of the social impacts of large infrastructure and energy projects and contributes to conduct ESIA, GAP, SEP, etc. according to international standards (IFC, WB).

As part of C2IMPRESS, Alexandra is in charge of developing the Polycentric Governance Framework (WP7), using the PPCP approach.

Mariana Carrillo

Master 2 Student, ARTELIA

Mariana has chosen a two-year multidisciplinary Master's program in Environmental Risks after completing a three-year bachelor's degree in Economics and Management. For her final internship, she contributes through Artelia to the C2IMPRESS project, specifically focusing on task 7.1 within WP7.



May 7, 2024


12:00 - 13:00 UTC+01:00



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